My name is June, and I'm a multimedia artist based in Massachusetts. My current process involves illustration, animation, video production, game design, and storytelling.

There's usually a story in my head before there's a word out my mouth. 
These stories are told to me through iterations of a past self, as if they stand in a long line in a game of telephone.
This network of filtration can feel unapproachable, yet it's well available to my personal, anxious surveillance. 
Discerning an attractive perspective through this fog 
of voices is a transformative act. The cached experience becomes an interpreted one. 
This is a game that never ends.
What currently interests me is how personhood emerges from these moral games we play with ourselves, with our peers, and with the systems of power we think about day-to-day.
My personal work explores an abstraction of these stories and personal choice trees. Nostalgic imagery comes paired with paranoia of passing time. I believe that "game-ifying" my work also compels a viewer to consider available input; perhaps something can be changed before it's too late.
My professional work tends to focus less on the emotional aspect of "noise", but on the harmonic qualities instead. A detailed understanding of a project is important to effectively communicate a voice comprised of all involved, presently or otherwise.